Different Types of Lies and Liars


Lying is almost always devastating. It hurts the person who is doing the lying, as well as the person being lied to. Sadly, it is all too common in most of our lives. Many of us are not aware of all the lies we tell. Still another person might lie all the time, afraid of other people finding out the truth about them. This develops a habit that continually drives someone to keep telling more and more lies. Lying can be lethal to our soul. Yet there are several different types of liars. Let’s find out about some from the many types of liars.

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You probably know someone who is very negative. You may wonder why they are so unhappy. Maybe they don’t know how to stop being that way, or maybe they appear more negative than they are.

Effects of Negativity

A negative attitude really does affect your quality of life. Sometimes it takes control of your life and you see everything in the worst possible way. You are not happy and the people around you are not happy, either. Let’s look at the crippling effects of negativity.

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The story behind ” Smells Like Teen Spirit “.



Smells like teen spirit was a song by Nirvana that revolutionized grunge music. Kurt Cobain came up with the song’s title when his friend Kathleen Hanna, at the time the lead singer of the riot grrrl band Bikini Kill, spray painted “Kurt Smells Like Teen Spirit” on his wall. Since they had been discussing anarchism, punk rock, and similar topics, Cobain interpreted the slogan as having a revolutionary meaning. What Hanna actually meant, however, was that Cobain smelled like the deodorant Teen Spirit, which his then-girlfriend Tobi Vail wore. Cobain later claimed he was unaware that it was a brand of deodorant until months after the single was released.

How my blog got it’s name.


Image  Well technically .__.

Have you ever wondered how do you say “butterfly” in different languages other than English? Butterflies are such beautiful, graceful, charming, and heart-warming creatures, it is no wonder that so many people are so very interested in them. Even the word itself in English evokes a feeling a charm and warmth. You see or hear the word “butterfly,” and you naturally think of something mythical, even magical, and undoubtedly special. Of course, by themselves, “butter” and “fly” do not evoke such warm sentiments. They only make you think of a spread and, at best, something airborne; at worst, the word “fly” on its own makes you think of pesky, winged, buzzy insects that like to dive bomb you out of nowhere, especially when you are hot and sweaty.

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